c0549 豊丸水産 広島本通り店
広島市中区本通7-24 マンヨシビル2Fアルバイト/キッチンスタッフ(パート/アルバイト)
- 電話での応募
Various foreigners are working.Would you like to work with us?Work support is also substantial.
きっちんでのりょうりをおねがいします。 /Responsible for cooking in the store kitchen.Cutting and warming food.Let me start with something simple.
給与: |
時給1,050円以上 時給1050円~ ランチ:時給1050円 ※22時以降時給25%UP 研修40h有(時給1020円/ランチ:時給1020円) |
アクセス: |
本通駅すぐ |
資格 | はじめてのかたもごおうぼください。 未経験OK:外国人OK No experience required. ◆にほんごがはなせるかた 参考:日本語能力試験N3以上(JLPT N3) |
メリット | 未経験OK、交通費支給、社員登用あり、駅チカ・駅ナカ、大学生歓迎、まかない付、高校生可、土日祝のみOK、即日勤務OK、フリーター歓迎、主婦・主夫歓迎、副業OK、未経験可、健康保険あり、厚生年金あり、雇用保険あり、労災保険あり、シフト制、屋内原則禁煙(喫煙室あり) |
未経験OK | First-time restaurant workers are also very welcome. People from various foreign countries are working here! Feel free to apply! |
おしえます。 | We carefully work on everything from employment support to job training so that foreigners can play an active role. |
社員への昇格 | You can also aim to become a full-time employee from a pert-time staff. Well, what kind of career do you want to have? Please let us know at the time of the interview. We will support you carefully. |
チムニー | 「はなの舞」「さかなや道場」「だしもんじゃ もんじ」など、 飲食店の展開をしています。※東証スタンダード上場 Contributing to the realization of a healthy and prosperous society for people in local communities |
手当も充実 | Transportation expenses and meal assista nce are provided.We also provide overtim e pay.※We provide support in 7 language s. |
福利厚生も | With delicious meal Meal assistance available |
活躍中! | People from China, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal etc. are active. |
週1日~勤務OK | You can work from 1 day a week! Please let us know about work days and hours!! Let's enjoy both work and holidays. |
丁寧な評価制度 | We have an evaluation system with clear criteria.What to learn next? etc. are easy to understand, so you can stead ily improve your skills by following the steps. |
おねがい | If you do not understand anything, please feel free to consult your senior. Our head office staff will also provide support. |